Adventure Boudoir: Naked in Nature finding liberation

Liberate lib-uh-reyt ]

·       verb (used with object), lib·er·at·ed, lib·er·at·ing.

·       to set free, as from imprisonment or bondage.

·       to free(a group or an individual) from social or economic constraints or discrimination

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I was quite surprised to find the sense of excitement that came over me, being naked in nature! I hadn’t ever allowed myself to really be seen in the flesh of nature prior to that. The occasional skinny dip back in the day under a full moon or a drunken dare.


But not like this… this was different, this was liberating.


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I am now 42 years old, my womb is riddled with scars from stories from the past.

I was born with the opportunity of having one hand, arm & breast  quite a bit smaller than the other side of my body.

I am far from symmetrical;

this haircut might be my least favorite style since the 6th grade,

and I am feeling soft in my body.


And still, as the layers of clothing fall to the earth.

The energy of the WILD begins to PULSE through my veins.

An excitement to lay my body down on the earth – to feel her energetic pulse not just through the bottoms of my feet, but through every inch of raw flesh pressing against her various surfaces.

All the perceptions listed above fade away into the curiosity of setting myself free…


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Having been given the opportunity of perfect imperfection, I learned at a very young age to accept my body for what she is.

To be grateful for her creative expression. To love her as there is no changing her. She was given to me as a gift for the evolution of my soul for my conscious awakening.

With that being said,

there are still days that the egoic mind gets the best of me and for a moment I wonder what I would feel like if things were shaped differently. If I had perfect breasts, matching hands, if I had been able to give birth naturally instead of the western way.

But only for a moment do I allow myself to be there.


Being witness to the ever-changing landscape that is the vessel of me is a gift.

Just like how moss changes on the rock’s with the seasons; or the river below ebbs and flows throughout the year, so does this body and so does my perception of her.

I am constantly in awe of her ability to shift and change as the world demands her to be present and nurture everything around her. She whispers softly to me when she is in need just like nature sings its songs to the universe through the course of time, it is my job to get quiet enough to hear her subtle requests.

She desires to BE FREE, to be in union with her surroundings.

To feel the moss against the soles of her feet, the cold hard rocks on her bottom and the warm salty water on her bear breasts. She wants to BE HELD, held by something fierce yet soft, held by something that has no opinion of her perfect imperfections, something that will let her JUST BE. Her imagination ignites and day dreams rush into her mind as she watches the clouds go by, this must be what TRUE LOVE feels like.

Love of self, free from the chains of another’s observations.

It takes COURAGE to show up and free yourself from the imprisonment of our societal constraints.

“You are married they say,” you have no business putting those photos out there.” “Haven’t you thought about how others might feel seeing you naked online?” “You know once its on the internet it never goes away, what if your son sees you?”

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I have been suppressed, made fun of, looked at strangely, and questioned about my abilities my entire life. And for my entire life I have shown up and done the best I could with what I was given. The prefect opportunity to flourish into my most authentic self, a priceless GIFT.


What people choose not to see is the COURAGE it takes to ALLOW YOURSELF TO BE SEEN. The years of work one undergoes to free themselves from societal programming just enough to dip their toes into the pool of curiosity and explore what lies within.


In the words of the famous John Muir. 

“And into the forest I go, to lose my mind and find my soul”

― John Muir


Author - Bianca Myers

Inspired by our Brand Ambassador B?

Learn more about her and her wisdom services by visiting

or find her online IG @authenticallyme_beemyers

Join us, Summer of ‘23 for our FIRST annual women’s wellness retreat.

Click the photo for the link


I’m a mess: A Brand Ambassador Story


Boudoir to start putting the pieces back together